Encouraging code sharing in neuroscience

Stephen J Eglen

Encouraging code sharing in neuroscience

Stephen J Eglen                  Cambridge Computational Biology Institute
https://sje30.github.io          University of Cambridge
sje30@cam.ac.uk                  @StephenEglen

Slides: http://bit.ly/fens-eglen


INCF, co-authors, Freeman lab.

These slides are available under a creative common CC-BY license.

Inverse problems are hard

Score (%) grade
70-100 A
60-69 B
50-59 C
40-49 D
0-39 F

Forward problem

I scored 68, what was my grade?

Inverse problem

I got a B, what was my score?

Research sharing: the inverse problem

Moral or selfish approach?


Selfish reasons to share

Why not align what is good for science with what is good for scientists?

  1. Funding mandates (REF + enforcement from Wellcome Trust)
  2. Credit through data papers
  3. Leads to further collaborations (e.g. “EPAmeadev”)
  4. Fixes data bugs / errors in analysis
  5. Prevent data loss (Vines et al 2014). e.g. students have a habit of leaving…
  6. Your future self is probably one of the main beneficiaries of sharing.

Code sharing: a way forward


Specific recommendations

  1. Include enough code to reproduce key figure/result from your paper (“modeldb”).
  2. Provide toy examples if your project is too intensive to expect others to run in a few hours.
  3. Version control
  4. Licence
  5. Provide data
  6. Provide tests
  7. Use standards
  8. Use permanent URLs

Simple example

Paper Info

New tools


Can bundle entire open-source evironment for others to share:

(start docker)
docker run -d -p 8787:8787 sje30/eglen2015

This should launch a web page …

Jupyter notebooks


binder = Docker + jupyter + cloud compute
